Initially, I had intended simply to replace the carpet, but the project is evolving into something more extensive. The plan is to treat rust in the floors and elsewhere, as I find it, install sound insulation, and restore the seat padding. This is an ongong project, beginning October, 2012. I attempted to keep pictures of each subproject together, so they occasionally may not be in perfect chronological order. This album will be updated as I progress.

foampadandnewpanel_small.jpg newpanel_small.jpg newpanelandnewfoamcover_small.jpg newpanelalmostfinished_small.jpg lowerpartofthepanel_small.jpg
leathercover_small.jpg formlowerpart_small.jpg trialfittingthecarpet_small.jpg carpetgoingin_small.jpg frontcarpetpieces_small.jpg
sidepanel_small.jpg rightsidepanel_small.jpg packageshelfinstalled_small.jpg rearisreassembled_small.jpg heatoutlets_small.jpg
pedalboardandheatoutlet_small.jpg rearbits_small.jpg frontseatandcarpet_small.jpg passengerseat_small.jpg frontseats_small.jpg
frontseatsandcarpet_small.jpg cockpit_small.jpg footboards_small.jpg rightfloor_small.jpg carpetunderlayment_small.jpg
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